Friday, October 30, 2009

My Thursday.

First of all, it's great to see that so many of you are entering the giveaway! Remember, you still have another two days to enter it if you still haven't done so.

I thought I'd do a little post documenting what I was up to yesterday since I unfortunately don't have much else exciting to post about. There's not much going on in my life right now as I'm pretty preoccupied with my thesis.

Woke up around 9:30 and had my usual breakfast - buckwheat porridge with blueberries sprinkled on it while reading Elle.

Then Tassus and I went out for a little walk.

Fixed my hair and make-up...

...and got dressed in this.

Wrapped a present and made a birthday card for a friend.

At 12:30 I had an appointment at university with my coach professors regarding my thesis.

Came home again at 16:00 and had received a postcard from my sister who's just been to Dominica, and took Tassus out for a walk.

Ate some pomelo. I love the combination of the pretty green colour of the peel and the nice pink colour inside.

Then Tassus and I took a little nap together.

Ate dinner at around 18:00. Just some vegetables I mixed together and rice.

Talked to my boyfriend on skype for around an hour, then worked on my thesis a little bit.

At 21:30 Tassus and I went for a long walk together.

Watched some episodes of Sex and the City when I got home again.

And ate this for supper. Bread with homemade blueberry jam, avocado and tomato slices with basil.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Giveaway: Les Jumelles jewellery

I love vintage and vintage-inspired jewellery. It's just so pretty with all the details and the novelty it possesses. And what could be better than just that, with a French touch to it? Perfection for a francophile like myself. Say hello to Les Jumelles Boutique, which offers just that.

Les Jumelles was launched earlier this year by two sisters (twins! Which is what the word "jumelles" means - now I know another French word) from Barcelona, Spain and they're already doing very well with their designs! All of the Jewellery is a mix between new parts and recycled vintage beads, charms and pendants and it's all so incredibly cute.

The girls behind the designs have been so kind to let me have a giveaway here on my blog where one of you will have a chance at winning a jewellery of your choice, so head over to their shop, find the jewellery you like the most and post it in the comment. The winner will be chosen at the end of the week - you have until Sunday at midnight. Oh, and if you don't have a blog, leave your e-mail address.

Good luck everyone!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My new vintage suitcase and autumn photography.


Almost a week ago I found this great vintage suitcase in a second hand shop and I had to have it right away. I've been wanting a vintage suitcase (though my ultimate dream is a round hat case though), and this one is just perfect. However, while taking these pictures I realized that somehow the case has been locked on one side(it wasn't when I bought it) and now I have no idea how I am going to open it. Without running the risk of breaking it, mind you. Ideas on how to deal with this problem are more than welcome!

(please ignore the smudges in this photo. I tried to remove some glue from the suitcase in iphoto because I haven't gotten around to doing it in person yet).

Oh, and today was such a beautiful day, so I've decided to share some photos I took.

Now, before I forget. In a couple of days I am going to have a wonderful giveaway here on my blog (I'm sure you'll all love it!), so remember to come back then.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Red bowler hat

Red hat

So, this is me, wearing my new hat that I showed you a few days ago. The reason I bought it was that it really reminded me of the red bowler hat from the SS 2009 minimarket collection, a collection I really love, and that it's such a cool hat, that can liven up any outfit (seeing that it actually goes with the outfit of course).

Red hat Red hatRed hatRed hatRed hatRed hat

Hat from H&M divided, top and tights from Oasis, skirt from H&m and boots from Bronx.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Things that make a gloomy Saturday a little bit better.

My boyfriend flew away from me this morning I am feeling extremely sad, my house feels empty and I don't feel like doing anything (although I have so much that needs to be done...). On a day like this, I have found a few things that make my day a little bit happier:
Having a dear, little friend resting on my lap.

coloured scrapscrap pictures
Coming across charming scrap pictures that I forgot I owned that make me feel like cuddling up to an Astrid Lindgren film.

cinnamon roll
Eating homemade cinnamon rolls and drinking hot cocoa.

New hatAnd my new hat from H&M that I bought a few days ago.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cold, cold and colder.


I guess you're all really sick of my complaints about the horrible weather over here, but I just can't help it. Now we've even got snow (these pictures are from a couple of days ago), and although it does look very pretty, and it's nice to cuddle up in warm sweaters, socks, hats, coats and scarves, I miss the sunshine on my body terribly... hm, I think I need to find something else to focus on otherwise I'm afraid I might fall into a winter depression or something.


Cardigan and skirt from Gina Tricot, tights and blouse from H&M, shoes from Benetton, scarf (as bowtie) from my grandmother, coat from Thomas Burberry.


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